A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Android


Designed By Chanel Williams


Narrative: You and your opponents are rival overlords that have been battling for centuries to dominate the universe. You each have acquired multiple galaxies and have grown tired of war over the millennia. With the impending doom of the universe, you’ve decided that whoever is able to evacuate the majority of the galaxies through each wormhole will become the absolute ruler of the next universe you voyage to. May the leader who saves the most galaxies prevail


Objective: You are going to use your Magic Orb Wand to knock over galaxies  (represented as marbles), to spill them onto the WormHole Board. You will hit the plastic shot glasses with the Magic Orb Wand that contains the marbles and try to land them into spaces with the highest numbers. Each player adds up their score and the player with the highest score will become the ruler of the new universe.



1 WormHole Board

1 Box

1 notebook with a pencil for keeping score


10 White Marbles

10 Blue Marbles

10 Purple Marbles

10 Red Marbles

4 Plastic Shot Glasses: One has a MULTIPLIER of x1; one glass is x2; one glass is x3; one glass is x4

Use a sharpie to indicate which shot glass is x1, x2, x3, and x4

*For accessibility, you may choose to use different colors or different sizes of marbles*

1 MAGIC ORB STICK: (you can use this design or make your own)

1 Rubber Ball about 2-3 inches in circumference

1 Stick Propeller for the Ball (you can use

1 Thin cloth 3x10in

1 Straw Cleaner

*For accessibility, you may choose to roll the ball instead of creating a Magic Orb Stick*



1:  Cut the cardboard box so that there is enough room to swing the wrecking ball through the hole. Place the WormHole game board inside of the box with the ‘Start’ facing the front of the hole.

2. Fill 4  plastic shot glasses, one with 10 red marbles; one with blue marbles; one with white marbles; one with purple shot glasses.

*Accessibility options: The marbles can be in any color and can also be in different sizes.

3. Construct the magic orb ball. Wrap the ball inside of the thin fabric cloth. Tie it tight, leaving the opposite end with at least 6in of unbound fabric. Insert the straw cleaner into the hole in the stick. Wind the fabric around the stick, the straw cleaner, and tie it tight. Now you can knock over shot the glasses!

* You may also CREATE your own Magic Orb Stick!

*Accessibility options: A player can roll the ball over the shot glasses instead of constructing the Magic Orb Stick.

4. With a sharpie, enter how many points you would like for each wormhole to be worth. Keep in mind that you will be doing math. If you like math, choose higher numbers to write down. If you hate math, you can have each hole be worth 1 point.



1: The youngest player goes first. Take the MAGIC ORB STICK in your hand. Place the x1 PLASTIC SHOT GLASS on the START position oF the board. Knock over the shot glass that is filled with GALAXIES (marbles) with the MAGIC ORB STICK. Try to get the GALAXIES (marbles) into the WORMHOLES with the highest numbers.

* If the player does not hit the shot glass they may continue swinging until they knock all the galaxies out of the glass. If they knock over the glass and there are still GALAXIES inside of it, they can place the shot glass back at the START position and try again. Any galaxy that does not make it into the wormhole perishes in the HEAT DEATH OF THE UNIVERSE!!!

2. Add up your score on a piece of paper. Multiply your score by THE MULTIPLIER indicated on the SHOT GLASS. Write down the results on a score sheet next to your name. Now your turn is over. Place the GALAXIES (marbles) back inside of the shot glass and hand it to the next youngest player. It is now their turn, following the players that come after them; with the eldest player going last.

3. Once everyone has had their turn with the x1 Multiplier Shot Glass, then you each play with the x 2 Shot Glass; then the x3 Shot Glass; and lastly the x 4 Shot Glass.



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